Delta Intellicom

6 Trends That Will Disrupt Telecom In The Near Future

The telecom industry, like all others, is not static. It changes, evolves, grows, and faces challenges just as any other does. Over the next five years, industry experts predict that these external factors will have a huge impact on telecom. Look out for these major trends which will cause big changes in telecom. Integration As […]...

5 Important Cybersecurity Tips for Small Businesses

With the latest news about Yahoo’s data breach compromising over a billion accounts, cybersecurity is back at the forefront of people’s minds. While major data breaches get headlines on the nightly news, the truth is that the vast majority of businesses that are hacked are small businesses. Why is this the case? It’s usually because […]...

Why are Telephones Still Important for Business?

With the growth of technology and new modes of communication, businesses have been leaving the old ways behind and embracing the future. There’s no doubt that expanding customer service into new digital technology is good for your business and important in a modern economy. However, face-to-face meetings and telephone systems still play a critical role […]...

Picking a Phone System for Small Business

Running a small business requires a ton of effort and coordinating many moving parts so that they all work well together. As a small business owner or employee, you know that communication is one of the most important things when it comes to keeping track of each other, customers or clients, and your community. Picking […]...

Why Is A Scalable Business Phone System Important?

Just as trees survive changing climates by smartly adapting how they use energy and resources and what they use them for, a business must operate similarly in order to survive. A business must know how to arrange and meet its priorities and scale the resources it uses to best meet the challenges of a rapidly […]...

Should Your Business Keep a Wired Internet Connection? 

As the world moves more and more towards wireless everything, wired internet connections seem to be on the way out. While many offices are now equipped with Wi-Fi, wired Internet is still holding on in the workplace. Should your business keep its wired Internet connection or switch to all wireless? What Are the Advantages of […]...

The Importance of Call Recording for Business Applications

Good businesses care deeply about each and every interaction they have with their customers. No matter who answers your phones, you should always deliver a clear and concise message. Think of your phone as another entryway into your business. Making sure your calls are answered in a timely, professional manner can make all the difference […]...

Fascinating Facts about Telecom and Mobile Phones

In comparison to most industries, telecommunications is fairly young. And yet, telecom represents one of the most fundamental components of our modern way of life. Smartphones and the internet of things are likely to be the defining features of our generation, and generations to come. Here’s a quick look into some of the fascinating facts […]...

Should Internet Access Be Considered a Public Utility?

In the long-running debate over “net neutrality” — whether internet providers should be required to treat all internet traffic equally — the question frequently comes up as to whether or not internet access should be considered a utility like phone service, electricity, gas or water. Here’s a quick look into the arguments of both sides. […]...

Dealing with VoIP Call Quality Issues in Office Phone Systems

Call quality issues can severely interfere with your business’s workflow and communications. And while voice-quality issues are less prevalent in today’s VoIP systems than they were a few years ago, problems can still occur from time to time. VoIP calls can be much more difficult to troubleshoot because network activity can change throughout the day. […]...