Telecommunication poses a number of challenges that all businesses face in today’s highly competitive market place. Setting up the right network infrastructure is just one challenge that business managers must overcome. With all the strange terminology out there, how do you know where to begin? Local Area Networks (LAN) and Wide Area Networks (WAN) are the two main types of data networks, and scale is primary difference between the two. Here’s a quick look into how a WAN could be beneficial to your business.
WANs and LANs
A WAN is essentially a scaled up version of a LAN. A LAN is intended for communication within a single room or building while a WAN can exchange traffic between buildings, cities and even countries. A WAN typically uses public infrastructure such as phone or cable lines to span large regions. With a WAN, information can be transferred quickly and easily in a global environment.
Remote Access
By linking multiple sites together a WAN can take advantage of its size to enable communication across large distances. WAN technology can be used to access your business’s network resources remotely. A company could enable its employees to access its LAN network from their home internet, for example.
Although setting up a WAN can be an expensive process, it can save your business headaches from working with a LAN. Setting up a LAN involves purchasing and configuring many components, whereas setting up a WAN is a much simpler process that typically involves installing the right software. And with professional help, setting up a WAN for your business can actually be painless and affordable.
Get In Touch With Delta Intellicom Today!
Our motto is “All things telecommunications” for a reason–Delta Intellicom has your back when it comes to understanding unified communication and the ins and outs of any phone system. You can contact us with questions, and we’ll help you work towards implementing this technology into your business. Move into the new world of business and take us with you when you do!
For over 20 years, Delta Intellicom has served the Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania areas in their phone service and data solution needs. By selling high quality products from leading brand names like Avaya, ShoreTel, and Nortel, Delta Intellicom is the only name you need to know when it comes to phone and data services for your business.
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