While many residential homes and apartments are beginning to do away with their landlines in an effort to save money, some smaller businesses are wondering if they should do the same. Some business owners may think that a business landline is now unnecessary and that cell phones are reliable enough to use. However, even with technology growing and evolving, a business landline is still a necessary component for your small business.
- Power- With the spring season finally here, summer is just around the corner. With summer means summer storms, which could lead to high winds and down power lines, causing a power outage for your business. If you are using your computer to talk with others, you now have no way of continuing the conversation. If your cell phone is about to die, you are unable to charge it while carrying on your conversation. A business landline will allow you to continue having conversations, even if the power goes out.
- Convenient- A business landline is the most convenient way to ensure your staff is able to communicate with those outside of the office. With a business landline, you are eliminating the stress of ensuring everyone has a working cell phone that has enough data to make a number of different calls.
- Effective- Everyone has experienced a dropped call once or twice with a cell phone. Depending on where you are located, a cell phone conversation can experience lags, static, and even a complete disconnection. With a business landline, you can guarantee that your staff and clients are able to hold professional and successful conversations over a clear and secure line.
- Internet- Most secure and reliable internet connections require a business landline in order to connect. Without a business landline, your internet connection could be almost non-existent, which can hurt staff productivity.
Delta Intellicom has served the Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania areas in telecommunication products and services for over 20 years. We strive to provide our customers with the latest products from Nortel and Avaya along with maintenance and troubleshooting services to make telecommuting possible for your business. Our team members can help create a business phone system that works best for your business, allowing you to increase your overall office productivity and helping your business to grow.
To get started with Delta Intellicom, call us today at 1-800-946-3358 or visit our contact page!
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