Like any face to face meeting, a business phone call is essential to having a thriving company. On the occasion that you aren’t able to meet with a client in person, a phone call will have to do. However, a lack of business phone etiquette could mean a poor business call. It is important to have a general understanding of business phone etiquette in order to provide your customers with the best customer service possible. A lack of customer service could result in a lack of loyal customers, which is never good for business.
When you schedule a business call, never keep your customer or client waiting. Try to call as close to the scheduled time as possible. Calling to early or too late from the scheduled time is rude and inconvenient, which can leave your customer or client with a poor first impression. When you make the call, try to have an agenda near you to keep the call on track. While asking how the individual is when beginning the call is fine, it is important to keep the call professional.
If possible, make the phone call away from any access noise. Others talking along with background noise can make it difficult for others to hear while on a business call. You should also avoid making calls from your cellular phone. While this may be convenient, you also run the risk of static or a dropped call, which is unprofessional and harms productivity of the call. Be sure to speak clearly and slowly when holding a business call to ensure nothing is missed. It is also important to be mindful of your tone when speaking. It can be easy to forget that the client on the other line cannot see your facial expressions or body language, which makes it easy to misinterpret things over the phone if tone is not watched.
Delta Intellicom has served the Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania areas in telecommunication products and services for over 20 years. We strive to provide our customers with the latest products from Nortel and Avaya along with maintenance and troubleshooting services to make telecommuting possible for your business. Our team members can help create a business phone system that works best for your business, allowing you to increase your overall office productivity and helping your business to grow.
To get started with Delta Intellicom, call us today at 1-800-946-3358 or visit our contact page!
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