While modern work environments focus on making use of fast internet connections, computers, and reliable phone systems, we can’t forget to mention the fax machine. Of course, many believe this piece of technology is outdated; the emergence of hosted cloud-based eFax services doesn’t seem to drum up too much excitement among business owners. Today, we’re here to bust three myths about faxing and using eFax in the business setting. Hopefully, then you can see the ways using an eFax service can benefit your business operations, whatever they may be.
Myth: Businesses Don’t Fax Anymore
Many businesses still fax documents as an integral part of their day-to-day business. When physical copies are necessary and need to be shared quickly — faster than postal mail can share them — fax machines are the best solution. Documents that require immediate attention or need a signature can be taken care of with fax. Any critical information that you wouldn’t want to risk losing or getting breached, you can securely transfer those files with fax. Faxing documents lets businesses communicate securely and globally.
Myth: An eFax is Just an Email
Although eFax and email both transmit messages and data over the internet, sending an eFax is far more secure than an email. eFax uses a separate secure connection to send your documents. With this independent connection comes the options to encrypt and password protect your documents. With an eFax service, you can send your fax from any internet-connected device to the recipient’s computer connect fax machine, or directly to their email inbox. Whereas submitting a fax to a machine can have documents fall into the hands of unintended people, sending it to an email can guarantee the confidentiality of the message.
Myth: Switching to eFax Won’t Impact My Business
If your business already uses physical fax machines, you may be thinking it’s not necessary to switch to an eFax service. Depending on how frequent you send and receive faxes, this may be true. However, eFax offers unique benefits that traditional fax can’t. For starters, your business could save tons of money by going paperless and using less fax toner to print documents. eFax gives companies the flexibility to fax from their computers, eliminating the need for a clunky, outdated physical machine. With eFaxes capable of getting delivered to emails, you can rely on your messages getting where they need to be sooner, instead of risking paper jams or lost documents.
Phone System Solutions from Delta Intellicom
Want to learn more about the ways we can help improve your business? Delta Intellicom can satisfy all of your telecommunication needs, whether you need help with your new VoIP system or just want to streamline your existing office phone network. We have served the Maryland, Washington, D.C, Northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania areas for over 20 years and offer an unparalleled customer experience. We have the expertise and products to fulfill all of your phone service and data needs. For more information, contact us online or give us a call at 1-800-946-3358. For more tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.